Accomplishment || the little things 

I didn’t let the leftover green beans sit on the stove overnight for me to clean up in the morning.  Don’t get me wrong I still have a sink full of dishes and that is another task entirely.  But it’s a step in the right direction and I’m excited about it.

To some of you who may read this you probably think I’m gross if I’ve let food sit on the stove overnight before. And you know what, maybe I am a little bit gross.  I am figuring out how to manage working 60+ hours a week, having some type of event every single weekend, and when I am home all I want to do is melt into my couch with the lights off so I can’t see anything but what is playing on my tv, which is typically HOUSE.

During my couch slump time this evening I decided to look on Pinterest about how to be more productive.  It says to make a list of goals the night before, so here I go.

Tomorrow ||

  1. Wake up on my first alarm
  2. Do my sink full of dishes
  3. Take Aurora for a walk
  4. Clean my office
  5. Develop a financial plan

I don’t want to put too many responsibilities for one day, so I’m taking it easy on myself.

Ciao for now!


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